Basic FerFit Club Terms

3 min readFeb 8, 2022

Member — a person using this application, joining the FerFit club, committing to follow the club’s policies and accepting all terms of use of Ferfit application;

Data transmission network — data transmission using mobile communication settings or by connecting to Wi-Fi access point;

Fer — the amount of money on account of the user 1 Fer — US $0.75;

Sports marathon/challenge plan (personal training plan) — a member (user) of the club agrees with themselves to follow the sports marathon/challenge (planned training) that — fixed in the program in the “Training” section for the calendar for one week. Changes in the sports marathon/challenge plan (training) are possible after the expiration of the period. Planning is possible for a month, the current week (with a confirmed schedule) and blocked from making changes, adjustments for subsequent weeks are possible;

Check-in (registration) — register at the location where the sports marathons/challenges (plan training) take place. It is necessary to arrive and register at the gym’s location in the “Workout” section by clicking the “start workout” button and staying there for at least 45 minutes. The geolocation function will determine your location. At the end of your workout, you must press the “end workout” button in the “Workout” section without changing the location of your chosen gym in the settings. The geolocation function on your mobile device will confirm your presence at the location of the gym. Primary conditions: The phone must be connected to a data transmission network (data transmission via mobile communication settings or by connecting to Wi-Fi access points.)With the geolocation function enabled in the settings of the mobile device;

The entry fee is collected by FerFit application for participation in a sports marathon/challenge as a participation fee. The user himself sets penalty rates that start from 5 Fers for one missed training session, following the marathon/challenge sports plan (personal training). Pre-determined by participant amount of Fers is debited if the marathon/challenge’s sports plan is not fulfilled;

The prize fund combines fines collected from members who did not comply with the sports marathons/challenges plan and distributed between the participants who complete the sports marathons/challenges (individual training plan) at the end of the month. Distribution of the fund is only possible for those users who completed the sports marathon/challenge plan (never missed a planned training session);

  • Beginner 4 to 12 workouts per month;
  • Athlete from 12 to 20 workouts per month;
  • Master from 20 or more workouts per month.

News feed — news published by club members (photos, videos, messages).

Stories- short live stories that disappear within 24 hours

Support — subscription to member (s) club, reward by Fer (fer) for useful content to the FerFit Club community

Increase views — talk about yourself to the whole community; your posts are seen in news feeds by members of the selected city.

A nutrition diary is a section in dietetics, can be found in the nutrition section and must be filled by the participant on a daily basis to achieve the set results.

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FeFit Club это социальная сеть, клуб в которой ты будешь проводить время с пользой. FeFit Club is a social network where you will spend your time with benefit.